First of all, congratulations on making the excellent decision to join the Trillium Miata Club!
You are now part of a fantastic community of MX-5 Miata owners and drivers, whose only goal is to enjoy our wonderful cars with those that feel the same passion for the road that you do. The MX-5 Miata is the world’s best selling sports car of all time for very good reasons, but mainly because it offers the most top-down sports car fun for the least money, while offering outstanding reliability.
So, now that you have become a Trillium member, now what?
Well, the first thing you should do is to get involved. We are organized to take into account that some people have more time than others – that’s why we have so many events. You don’t have to come out to all of them, but as a new member we suggest that you try and come out to a monthly meeting as soon as you can. There you will meet some of your fellow members and find out what a great, friendly group of people we are. Then stick around after the meeting, and take a look at the other Miatas in the parking lot and then plan to come to lunch.