Respect the opinions of others – challenge and engage upon ideas, not people. Well thought-out counterpoints are welcome, healthy debate is encouraged, but abusive comments will not be tolerated. The Trillium Miata/MX5 Club reserves the right to remove the posted comment or posting without warning, and/or to ban members from participating in the Forum.
Do not promote or sell goods or services. SPAMing of any sort will not be tolerated.
Trolling to disrupt otherwise friendly on-topic discussion with off-topic comments in an effort to bait, irritate, annoy, or cause disruption will not be tolerated.
Be kind and considerate to new members or participants.
Profanity, racial slurs and/or sexual innuendos will not be tolerated.
Piracy or unlawful activities are not permitted. This Trillium Miata/MX5 Club community Forum is a place for ideas, advice and constructive participation, and not a place to violate any laws or to discuss illegal activities.
Content which is: libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, harassing or threatening; contains viruses or other contaminating or destructive features; violates the rights of others, such as content which infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or violates any right of privacy or publicity; or otherwise violates any applicable laws shall not be posted to the Forum.
Writing in all CAPITALS is considered SHOUTING, and is discouraged.
Do not post anything that sounds angry or sarcastic, even as a joke.
Do not post comments about politics or religion.
The Trillium Miata/MX5 Club Forum is monitored by a group of volunteers, and any breaking of the rules will result in the removal of offending or inappropriate posts. Disregarding these rules could also result in the member being banned from the Forum, or possibly being banned from the Trillium Miata/MX5 Club.
Using this Forum means you have read, understand and agree to follow the rules.